
Posts Tagged ‘life’

So what did happen to my dad?

January 16, 2010 7 comments

Okay, here’s the round up post on all of those one liners about my dad.

Sometime during the night of Wednesday January 6th, his appendix burst.  He woke up feeling like he had a very bad stomach virus/food poisoning.  Eventually on Thursday, at the insistance of my Aunt Diane (who lives with my parents), my brother was called and my mom came home from work to get him to the hospital via ambulance (trying to skip the long wait for ER by sending him in this way).  He was taken back right away and they started treating his symptoms (pain, nausea) and they ordered a CT scan.  The first scan must not have been very conclusive as a second one was ordered later that evening.  Then it was discovered that his appendix had burst and he was rushed into emergency surgery around 1:30 am on Friday.

He now has a 14″ scar because they could not do this surgery laparoscopically – this is because (which may also apply to me since it seems to run in our family) his appendix was not in the correct place, instead it was tucked up and under his intestines.  Thank goodness for this because it probably saved his life.  The surgeon cleaned out his abdomen, checked everything else and closed him up.  He was moved to the medical/surgical recovery floor of the hospital and was recovering well.  Saturday morning the physical therapists/nurses made him get up and walk and when he did, he became light headed and was having difficulty breathing, so a chest x-ray was ordered and it was discovered that he had developed blood clots in both of his lungs.  He was then moved to the Critical Care Unit (a different way to say ICU) for the rest of the day and for most of Sunday.  He was started on blood thinners and they were watching his breathing/heart function.  Sunday evening he was moved to the Progressive Care Unit, a step down from the ICU.  He remained there until Monday, where he was moved back to the medical/surgical floor.

He is still in the hospital today because they are trying to get his blood levels sorted out, the blood thinners worked too well and now they are trying to adjust him back to normal.  He’ll be having a screen put in to help this process but hopefully sometime this week he will be able to go home or to a rehab facility.

Considering Dad is NEVER sick this has thrown us all for a loop since he’ll be 75 this year. I’m just glad he’s okay!

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6 days until move

December 3, 2009 Leave a comment

Urgh. This weekend we are moving everything from the kitchen, except mugs and pots and pans and will be running on paper plates. My parents are coming up for the weekend to help repair a huge hole in the plaster in the bathroom (that I caused by pulling the shower rod off of the wall… oops) and clean and just keep me from going insane. Yay parents!

Xmas knitting is in full swing and my mom’s rogue is on the hood and I’m working my way along.  The other projects are top secret, so they will have to wait until after the holiday.

Today I’m home from work this morning because the old apartment complex is painting our front door and I need to make sure miss Haley doesn’t flee the safety of our walk-in closet to go explore Princeton Junction. She has experience outside yes, but the fact that I can’t get a collar on her (she loses control of bodily functions and I don’t want to repeat the experience my sister had) and she isn’t micro-chipped is the major concern.

Cannot wait to move so I can start unpacking and get my life back in order. I hate moving.

Categories: knitting, life Tags: , , , , , ,

The only thing worse than unpacking is?

November 22, 2009 9 comments




But the good thing in this? I’ve figured out how I want my yarn organized in the new apartment. I would like to get a cheap dresser with 5 drawers and keep one type of yarn in each drawer.

But inbetween packing and cleaning and painting and everything else:



Monte's Autumn Garden

Monte's Autumn Garden

is quickly turning into:

Monte’s Autumn Garden

Monte’s Autumn Garden from Pigeon Roof Studios

This is the first part of 4 oz of falkland from Pigeon Roof Studios, my first ever club shipment, colorway is Monte’s Autumn Garden. I will definitely renew this subscription! So far the falkland has been a dream to spin – this is my first time spinning it too!


Finished up is some shetland also from Pigeon Roof Studios in the Ghost Orchid colorway.  I need to measure yardage and WPI.  Anyone have any project ideas for this?  I’ve never knit with shetland and have no idea what kind of project it would be suited for. (argh preposition at the end of a sentence but I’m tired!)

Ghost Orchid shetland

Ghost Orchid shetland from PRS

Progress is also being made on my mom’s sweater – I’m working my way up the chart on the front part of the sweater, the back is done, so hopefully over the long weekend I can get the hood started/finished/something.


Guess it’s time to pack some more boxes.


Categories: life, spinning Tags: , , , ,


November 4, 2009 3 comments

It’s been forever. sorry readers.

Here’s what I’ve been up to:

  1. Garden State Sheep Breeders Festival: attended and booth worked for our Jessica
  2. Rhinebeck sweater: finished
  3. Rhinebeck: attended
  4. Flu of some variety: survived
  5. Stitches east: attended
  6. WEBS virgin: NO MORE
  7. Drive from hell back to NJ after Stitches EAST & Webs: Survived!
  8. Mom’s xmas sweater: started
  9. several test knits: attempted, one finished
  10. Designers met: 1 (Designer of my rhinebeck sweater works at webs! And she took my photo!)
  11. New apartment lease: signed
  12. New apartment being painted: started!
  13. Cat health issues: somewhat solved – she is okay 🙂

So clearly, I have been busy. These microblogging sites such as plurk and twitter are really sucking the blogging mojo away from me! I will try to get a post in tomorrow too – with some photos this time 🙂

Categories: knitting, life Tags: , , , ,

Busy busy busy busy busy busy

May 7, 2009 13 comments

Okay, time for some knitting content.

My time lately has been sucked up by doing test knits for Yarnissima. I can’t post any photos. Which is a shame because these two socks? STUNNING. So instead, some FO’s and some spinning 😀

First off, socks:

Digitessa by Yarnissima (Rav link): I’m more than half done.  I have both socks started, one is finished, and the second is at the start of the gusset increases.

Digitessa sock #1

Digitessa sock #1


another pair of Firestarters by Yarnissima (Ravelry Link). Us 1 (2.5 mm) Addi Lace Turbo, Yarn: Dream in Color Starry in Happy Forest

Firestarter socks by Yarnissima

Firestarter socks by Yarnissima

Third: (Insane) Shur’tugal Socks done for the Socks that Rawk group KAL (Ravelry Link)

Yarn: BMFA Socks That Rock Medium Weight in colorway: Rook-y

Needles: US 1 (2.5 mm) Addi Lace Turbo

Shurtugal socks

Shur'tugal socks

So, that’s a lot of socks.  Also, a sweater:

Pattern: Rogue

Yarn: Cascade 220 in Aspen (7 skeins)

Needle: Us 7

Rogue Sweater

Rogue Sweater

Now onto some spinning FOs 😀

First, January club shipment from Zarzuela’s Fibers:

First 3 ply attempt, 6 oz, Corriedale

First 3 ply attempt, 6 oz, Corriedale

That’s only one of the hanks.


Singles for the FreckleFaceFibers spin-a-long that started May 1!

FreckleFaceFibers Merino 64s in Isle Caribe

FreckleFaceFibers Merino 64s in "Isle Caribe"

Merino 64s in the Isle Caribe colorway. This is eventually heading to Ashly.

Best get back to my test knitting and finishing up these singles. I want to ply this yarn soon!

I’m excited to say that Jessica asked me to get involved with Summer of Socks this year. I’m just thankful my sock mojo came back (I guess as well as the blogging mojo!).

Also, I’m looking forward to going to W.O.O.L. this year, once I recover everything from my stolen wallet, I get to reserve my spot!

Tonight we are going to go look at some condos in Princeton since we are desperately trying to get out of the rental environment.

I leave you with a cat photo:



Back from the dead?

May 1, 2009 3 comments

Hello my few and far between readers!

I really suck at this blogging thing. My new goal is to do this every day until June. Maybe it will get me in the habit.

Recent events? I have completed one test knit for the lovely Yarnissima and will be starting another one this evening. I’m a few days behind, but I see that as an okay thing, just to make sure those that have already started haven’t missed anything.  Everything is under wraps, no photos or hints, but these are two great patterns.  Wait, actually, the one, is Kiila that is being done as a mystery sock for Sock Knitters Anonymous.  Definitely go with a semi-solid or a straight solid yarn on that one my friends!

Spinning wise? I just finished plying up some 3 ply Corriedale from Zarzuela’s Fibers from the first fiber club Jessica offered.  This is from the January shipment and the final product needs to be washed and set before I can take some niec photos. Hopefully, I will post them by Sunday!

For the three lovely ladies that posted for the meme, give me a few more days but your prizes should be sent out before the 15th.  I have to go through some stuff and get myself together 🙂 Please make sure I have your mailing addresses! (Kim, this does not include you haha!)

I’m right on schedule for another 12 pair of socks year, 4 pairs have been completed so far, and two are half done (Digitessa and Kiila) and I’m just past the heel turn on another vanilla toe up sock.

April was a crazy month: got sick, went to see Jon Stewart, went to see Travis, went to see Bruce Springsteen perform his final two shows with the E Street Band at the to be demolished Philadelphia Spectrum, and lost my wallet.  I’m in the process of replacing everything, but sheesh, this sucks!

Here are Chez Sairy we are getting over/in the midst of a horrible spring cold/allergy/sinus infection rally.  I’m at the tail end of it, the Boy is in the midst of it and is going to get checked out today.

Congrats need to go out to LittleWit on her engagement 😀 Congrats congrats congrats!

Other than that, tomorrow I will not be going to MDS&W as planned. Whatever virus has been brewing at my house needs to stay there, and so I will be instead going to NYC to hang out with Cait and her mom (read: lunch and YARN). Can’t wait!

More when I get home tomorrow 😀


October 13, 2008 3 comments

Okay, so I’ve been rather quiet as far as this blog goes.  Things have been insane lately!


First, I’m now happily married.  On Sept 27, John and I tied the knot at Most Blessed Sacrament Church in Bally, PA, with our reception at La Massaria at Bella Vista Golf Course.  Everything went perfectly and from what we can tell, everyone had a wonderful time.  We meet with our photographer on the 25th, so I will be sure to post the link for our photos here, after we’ve picked them of course!

Our honeymoon took us to Orlando, Florida where we stayed on Universal Studios property, specifically at the Loew’s Royal Pacific Resort.  The hotel was fab – decorcated in a post WWII pacific feel, there were stunning orchids, tahitian huts, luau’s, hawaiian shirts, and it was just fantastic. We would stay there again, no questions asked.  

Since the wedding? Well, I went to the Garden State Sheep & Wool festival with Sharon and Jess, we did all of our banking merging, put a deposit down on a larger apartment (2 br, 1 bath), bought much needed bookcases, did a massive clean of the apartment (there is still more to do), sent out a billion thank you notes (still more to go) and have been enjoying married life. This friday I’m going to make it official and go to the Social Security office and PennDOT and change my name 😀 


Knitting wise? I’ve purchased a ton of fiber from Jess, a new spindle which is making things so much easier, and am saving up some $ for a wheel.  Sharon and I will be testing a few while we are at Rhinebeck this weekend (SO excited). 


I’ll be inserting some photos in here later on, I have to get to a meeting for a presentation I’ll have to give in a few days. Gah.

Insert clever song lyric-esque title here!

August 19, 2008 2 comments

Okay this entry may just be the suckiest ever because I just.don’, but something inside is nagging me to blog so, here ya go. Been doing a lot of running around lately and I’m exhausted.

  • It’s 39 days until the wedding. Yes. 39. Gah. So much left to do, the responses are coming in and final meetings are scheduled with our vendors. Honeymoon hotel is booked, need to arrage rental car and flights still – hopefully have that finished next week.


  • Work has been good lately, going to have my mid year review sometime this week. Had to create spreadsheet of weekly summaries of what I’ve been doing since March. Funtimes.


  • Knitting has been productive lately.  I finished my Ravelympics project last night and have found the socks a new home as I don’t like them. And, as of today, I am taking a month long hiatus from sock knitting due to wrist pain.


  • I’ve joined the YMCA to start swimming again. I blame this entirely on Michael Phelps, but honestly, I did miss swimming and the olympics have really brought that feeling home. So yesterday was my first day to swim and wow, totally over did it. This may be cause of wrist pain as a major battle ensued with the locker that was to keep my belongings in! I will be doing 30-45 mins 3x a week, so essentially, MWF, and may increase to 4x a week – no guarantee. I am trying to lose ~ 10 lbs before the wedding, and this can easily be done and the dress will still fit, so don’t worry about that. 


  • I’ve been trying to destash a little bit. I’ve gotten rid of 3 skeins of noro kureyon, and 2 skeins of koigu kpppm and then of course, I buy more yarn.


  • Sweater knitting shall now commence, since, no socks for a month.  I have to finish a Clapotis for Cait still, but that’ll go smoothly and be great SnB knitting. I need to figure out what sweaters I will be attempting, I know already February Lady sweater and another Wicked – this time no pocket and definitely short sleeved again.  I do want to knit a central park hoodie, but I need yardage for my size and can hopefully find something suitable at Purl Soho since I have a store credit from the mishap with the BSA Alpaca & Silk that I purchased earlier in the summer.  There are a few patterns from KnitScene and IK that I want to make, but it all depends. I may get sick of sweaters super fast. I also need to do a set of Knucks for a friend that studies in London (way behind on these) and those will be next, after I finish up some of my WIP’s that aren’t socks.


  • And well, here are some FO’s I can so off!





short n sweet

July 28, 2008 Leave a comment

Okay I’m not dead. Had to take the PRAXIS 0061 Mathematics Content Knowledge on Saturday so I’ve been MIA from blogging due to studying for that.  I’ll write a better post tomorrow after I take some photos tonight of spinning, yarn, and projects 😀


Oh and yes, you did see that right on Ravelry, my WICKED is done 😛

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This should be the last one to catch up with!

July 3, 2008 2 comments

Clearly you can tell that things have been a little nutty in the Sairy household. Here’s what has been on the needles lately:

zombie sock #1

Pattern: Zombie socks

Yarn: BFMA Socks That Rock Lightweight Ravenclan series – Valkyrie

finished Froot loops

Finished pair of Froot Loops from Knitty Spring 2008 surprise! Yarn is Koigu KPPPM (I have a problem with this yarn… I love it)


Firestarter by Yarnissima!

Or that should be re-started Firestarters by Yarnissima! out of, well, Koigu KPPPM.  This go around they are going much better – I’m on the gusset increases now! These are my FIRST socks for summer of socks 2008. I’m a late starter. That’s all I can say. 

Also on the needles, an odessa hat, wicked, a new malabrigo clapotis for Cait, and well, I need to start the mates for the river ripple socks and the zombie socks.  Those will come soon.

Work has been crazy lately and things have just calmed down – nice that it is happening before a holiday weekend. Wedding planning is still going smoothly, I have to call the reception site and inform them of our food choices, finish up creating direction cards in Publisher, and then we can start to get the invitations sent out! So much is happening so fast!  Best get back to work now!

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